08 Easy and Clever Ways to Lose Weight

For those of you who suffer from overweight, of course the only way to overcome this problem are to lose weight. However, losing weight is not as easy as you might think. So, the ways, which can lose your weight are given following.

How to lose weight

Basically, the main key to losing weight healthily is a healthy diet and controlling calorie intake. Both must be accompanied by increased physical activity.

That way, you get the ideal weight that can happen in the long run. In addition, changes in lifestyle and eating habits should also be considered as a way to lose weight that lasts a long time.

Here are some tips to manage the body to achieve the ideal weight.

1. Measure body mass index (BMI)

Before starting a healthy lifestyle as a way to lose weight, it is best to measure your body mass index first. Body mass index is used to determine if you are underweight, overweight, or at an ideal weight.

That way, you know how much weight you need to lose to reach your ideal weight. For example, people who fall into the obesity range need to lose between 5-10% of their initial weight.

Once you know your body mass index, you can design a suitable diet and activity to manage your body.


2. Don't miss breakfast

One of the most important ways to lose weight is not to miss breakfast. A well -balanced breakfast menu will give the body the energy it needs to get through the day.

If you miss breakfast, you may start the day on empty energy. As a result, the desire to snack during the day or night also increases. The reason is, the body will think you are hungry, so the portion of food may increase.

Try to always prepare breakfast that contains the nutritional value that the body needs, such as protein and carbohydrates, such as:

• Eggs,

• Toast with peanut jam, or

• Unsweetened yogurt with berries.

3. Eat in small portions

Some people may choose to eat three meals a day with two or three snacks. While others eat five or six times or eat every three to four hours.

The methods mentioned above are actually valid because they both keep the metabolism balanced. In addition, these tips for maintaining a healthy diet also help control blood sugar levels.

A balanced meal helps the body function properly and prevents weight gain. You certainly do not want your blood sugar to soar drastically or drop suddenly.

Irregular glucose levels can trigger unstable energy levels, so that the body's functions do not work properly. You may also be able to occasionally fast or intermittent fasting to lose weight.

4. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Consuming more fruits and vegetables accompanied by a balanced nutrition menu is a safe way to lose weight. In addition, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables also reduces the risk of chronic diseases because they both contain the nutrients the body needs.

Even so, it doesn't mean you should eat less. You can create a low -calorie diet that involves your favorite foods by substituting low -calorie fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables contain water and fiber that will add volume to your menu. That way, you can consume the same amount of food and be full, but with fewer calories.

There are various tips you can do to include fruits and vegetables in your diet, from breakfast to snacks.

5. Exercise regularly

A healthy diet will not succeed in losing weight effectively if not accompanied by physical activity. If you find it difficult to balance intense physical activity, try to start with light exercise.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, a regular 30 -minute walk turns out to be more beneficial than the occasional intense exercise. In fact, exercise is very important for people who have problems with blood sugar.

When too forced, heavy physical activity actually puts stress on the body and makes blood sugar fluctuate.

In addition, regular light exercise increases muscle mass, speeds up metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight.

6. Drink plenty of white water

The human body normally consists of 60% water. That is, water plays an important role in almost every function of the body. That is why, a well -hydrated body will function well, from thinking to burning body fat.

It is no longer a common secret that water can help lose weight in various ways, including:

• suppress appetite,

• increase metabolism,

• make it easier for the body to move,

• helps reduce liquid calorie intake,

• increase motivation, and

• reduce stress.

Although there are many factors that can affect your weight, drinking enough white water is a good first step to losing weight.

7. Be wary of eating during stress

The phenomenon of eating during stress (emotional eating) can actually mess up the way to lose weight that you have planned. This is because these unhealthy habits can reduce your 'awareness'.

This phenomenon often happens to people who are frustrated because their diet program is not working. If this happens to you, consider managing the stress with meditation or hypnosis.

These methods cannot lose weight directly. However, managing stress well can at least help you adjust to your current diet program.

If this does not work, please consult a nutritionist or dietitian. The reason is, there are several health factors that can cause a healthy diet to fail, such as certain diseases.


8. Enjoy the process

In fact, a healthy diet and exercise routine for a few weeks will not be enough if you want to successfully control weight. The weight loss methods mentioned above should be done regularly.

After assessing any challenges you face, try to devise a sustainable strategy to change your lifestyle to a healthier one. After that, you can plan how to face the challenge.

Most likely you will experience setbacks several times. Instead of giving up, start with more enthusiasm the next day. Remember, the process of changing your lifestyle to be healthy is not short. However, the results obtained will last a long time and be commensurate.

If you have further questions about weight loss programs, please contact your doctor or nutritionist. 

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